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Newsletter 14

Happy February, lovers!

If you’re new, welcome. If you’re not new, welcome 🥰

Am I the only one who thinks February is kind of a weird month? In addition to the weirdness that comes from being the shortest month, the weather is either devastatingly cold or perfectly springy (location depending). Also, the newness of the new year is starting to wear off, and there are all these RaNdOm holidays.

So, in an effort to find something nice to say about this month, I begrudgingly sat down to Google, “purpose of February.” While most of what I read was related to Valentine’s Day, I did learn that in ancient Rome, Februarius was a month of purification with festivities designed to refocus the empire.

Whether your new year’s resolutions have been integrated into your daily routine or you’ve forgotten them completely, February is a chance to catch your breath, get organized, and map out the rest of the year ahead of you. Remember, February is a transitional month and it’s okay if it feels that way.

Now, let’s fully embrace the forward momentum of the seasonal procession… and this newsletter 😉

Commission Update 💰
Need help making sales? To help you out, ambassador Kaisey Caputo has shared some insight into what has helped her. She writes,

I just try my best to utilize the social resources that you guys provide. I do use them primarily in my stories, or when I make a reel I’ll use one of the photos as my cover!

When I make a reel or TikTok I just try to be excited when I’m talking about the product. Whether I just received it or if I’m doing a review. I feel like the more hyped up you are the more hyped up other people get. I also like applying products in the videos that way they can see the application. I just try to share share share!

Thanks, Kaisey!

Our top five sellers for this reporting period were:

  • Eric Schultz
  • Matthew Williams
  • Zoe Mckee
  • Angelo Berardy
  • Nick Drewe


Uh oh– King Eric came for Matthew’s crown 👀🤴

If you have other tips or tricks for making sales, please reply to this email and let us know what they are!

Reminder: sale milestone rewards are BACK!

When you’ve reached a milestone, the free rewards will magically appear in the Rewards - Sales Rewards section of the ambassador dashboard. There are milestones for your first sale, 10th sale, 50th sale, and 100th sale.

Ambassador Post Highlights 🤳
Although we didn’t receive many posts 💔… the ones we did receive were stellar!

Shoutout to our featured ambassadors:

Ambassador of the week - For the new year, each week on our IG story we will feature an ambassador of the week who we want to spotlight! 🔦👀

Last week's feature was Travis Houck! Check out his TikTok | #tattoocare routine

Want to be featured next? The Mad Rabbit team hand-picks ambassadors who are active on Discord, engaged in completing challenges and making sales. To ensure that the content you post is feature-worthy, check out the updated #👍│best-practices channel on Discord.

February Challenges 📝

🏋️‍♀️ IG Story | GNC Launch (500 points)
- Hey ambassadors! We have just launched at GNC and we need your help to get the word out! Please post our IG Story template to your own IG Story to share the news with your community. #MadRabbitxGNC

Coming soon: templates in Social Resources on Discord and in the dashboard.

🎒 IG Reel | What's in your gym bag? (1,000 points) - Do you like to hit the gym? Is fitness a big part of your routine? If so, this is just the challenge for you! We are challenging you to create an IG Reel showing us what is in your gym bag (including your favorite Mad Rabbit product of course!) #WhatsInMyGymBag and #MadRabbitAmbassador

Dropping 2/3 - 2/5

💪 IG Reel | Mad Rabbit Launches At GNC (1,000 points) - Great news Mad Rabbit fam! You can now find Mad Rabbit products in-store (and online) at GNC! We are challenging you to go to your local GNC and pick up 2 Mad Rabbit products! Take us through your shopping trip in your content. We will reimburse you for 1 of the products if you submit your receipt with your video. Please make sure to use the hashtag #MadRabbitxGNC

🚀 TikTok | Mad Rabbit Launches At GNC (1,000 points) - Great news Mad Rabbit fam! You can now find Mad Rabbit products in-store (and online) at GNC! We are challenging you to go to your local GNC and pick up 2 Mad Rabbit products! Take us through your shopping trip in your content. We will reimburse you for 1 of the products if you submit your receipt with your video. Please make sure to use the hashtag #MadRabbitxGNC

Note: when completing the IG Reel and TikTok challenges “Mad Rabbit launches at GNC,” you should submit two different pieces of content.

More challenges releasing with the next newsletter.


GNC - While there are many exciting things in progress behind the scenes, the biggest update for this newsletter is that you can now find our products online and in select GNC stores!!! To ensure that products will be on shelves when you get there, we have decided to stagger the cadence in which we release challenges this month.

When new challenges are published, I will send out an SMS or message on Discord. In the meantime, if you have any other ideas for stores where you’d like our products sold, let us know! Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding.

Newsletters - I've created a new page in the dashboard for all past newsletters. If you're a new ambassador, I'd encourage you to check them out! There are a lot of tips and tricks throughout.

Noah (aka: tender)

Have feedback? A challenge idea? Just wanna chat? Connect with us on Discord


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